Profile PictureiPlan Myfuture

Jump in the driving seat and take control of your career on the GO! iPlan-Myfuture was created to help you take control of your career development. Our aim is to provide you with products and services enabling you to learn and make career decisions with confidence. Our eBooks and courses, along with helpful videos are simple to follow. Our CV, Networking, LinkedIn, eBooks provide you with step-by-step points that you can use at your own pace and in your own time. The main objective is to bridge the gap between aspirations and efforts of an uncertain job.

Showing 1-9 of 13 products


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What’s your Story?

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What’s Your Selling Point (USP?)

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Whose dream are you living? Living your dream or someone else’s?

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The Best Investment you can make is in Yourself

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Top tips on keeping your Motivation Levels High

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Top Tips on Developing Excellent Interpersonal Skills

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